June 20 - "Chai Honors - Down the ShOHR" celebrating Pam Appel, Mark Beatty, Judi Sills, and Matt Sills – along with a tribute to Rabbi Friedman in conclusion of his Chai Anniversary. Invitations coming!
1) Buy tickets online! 2) Purchase a personal ad in our program book to congratulate our honorees. Ads can be purchased in a bundle with tickets or by themselves. If you have a business to promote - or close relationships with local businesses that you can solicit - commercial ads are also available. 3) Consider donating a product, service, or experience for our silent auction. We are especially in need of high-value items such as fine wine, vacation home rentals, sports tickets and memorabilia, etc. 4) Volunteer! Lots of roles available - decor, registration, program book ad sales, Host Committee (promotional role only - no meetings!). No matter the time you have to spend, there are lots of ways to help
Click here for order forms:
Tickets & Personal Ads (online purchase preferred): https://summitjcc.shulcloud.com/form/chai-honors-ticket--personal-ad-orders.html
Business Ads: https://summitjcc.shulcloud.com/form/chai-honors-business-ad-form1.html
Auction Donations: https://summitjcc.shulcloud.com/form/chai-honors-silent-auction-donor-form-2024.html
Questions? Ideas? Want to help? Please contact Dianne Doctor (diannebdoctor56@gmail.com) or Rebecca Weisberg (rfw3@hotmail.com).For inquiries regarding the silent auction, please reach out to Karen Rosenberg (fourboysanddalady@gmail.com), and for business sponsorships and ads, contact Richard Barron (barron81@aol.com).